
Destash Support

Destash/Spring Cleaning System

So here's a scenario .... you're sorting through your stash (or your closet, or your bookcase, or anything else), looking to purge, but you're having a hard time parting with things that you know you aren't using and you haven't touched in ages. Feelings are coming up, definitely some uncertainty - usually overwhelm creeps in for me and I end up keeping too many things. It's ok, it happens, the subconscious is a busy place, but it doesn't have to stop you!

This weekend I was doing a little bit of spring purging and I came up with a system that seems to have improved my output and brought me more neutrality. Based on Marie Kondo's system, I pick up every object, and ask myself a question about the object: "Does this STILL serve my highest good?" Alternately, you can ask "Does this serve my greatest inner peace?" 

I look for an answer of Yes, No, or some kind of equivocal/uncertain feeling:

YES: If the answer is a clear YES, then yay, keep the thing! It's still working for you.

NO: If the answer is a clear NO, then send it on its way out into the universe. Whatever that thing was in your life for, you’ve already learned those lessons, and it is time to make room for fun new things to come into your life! Don't worry about letting go of the NOs, they block better things from coming in, so have faith that sending them on their way is really the best thing for you.

EQUIVOCAL/UNCERTAIN: If you feel equivocal, uncertain, overwhelmed, avoidant, resistant, etc, then you've hit an opportunity to go deeper and clear out something you are already working on, something you’re getting ready to release. The object isn't really what you've equivocal about, it's likely a belief or idea that it is associated with. Here are some questions that you can ask that can help:

  • What have I been learning that this is a part of?
  • Am I holding on to something I can let go of? What am I holding on to?
  • Do I need to hold on to it? Am I still working on it, or am I done and I just need to let go?
  • Why am I holding on to it?
  • Is what I’m holding even mine, or does it belong to someone else? (other people's beliefs frequently end up in our head .... )

If you're feeling especially fuzzy, blank, or the word 'should' is coming up, then congratulations, you've like hit on someone else's beliefs or energy in your space, and you've got an opportunity to pitch those and reclaim a bit more os your yourn space for yourself.

LET GO: if you’re inclined to try and let go, try the following:

  1. Try visualizing a big rose in front of you. Drop a magnet into the centre of the rose, and tell the rose its job is to suck up everything you’re releasing. When the rose is done its work (which shouldn't take too long, energy doesn't have any time or space), send the rose to the edge of the universe and blow it up! 
  2. Visualize a big gold sun above your head (make it at least 5 times your size) and fill it with all the positive and neutral things you want for yourself right now .... (self-validation, amusement and neutrality are always suggested, in addition to everything else). Poke a hole in the bottom of the sun and invite it to fill you up completely, down to the quantum level.  
  3. Revisit the object - do you still feel uncertain about it? If you do that’s ok, just file it away as 'on the way out' or 'working on releasing', and put it in a "Revisit this at the next purge" box. Chances are that the next time you do a clearing you'll be ready to let it go and the attachment to it will be gone.

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